May is Physical Fitness Month – Workout, Get Healthy, and Then Use Hydrotherapy to Massage Those Tired Muscles

The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports wants to encourage Americans to get up and move and to understand the value of physical activity in their lives.

Many of the ‘Big 3′ diseases that are the leading causes of death for Americans include cancer, diabetes and hypertension. These are referred to as ‘lifestyle,’ diseases because they are brought on by poor lifestyle choices. People who don’t get enough exercise, eat too much unhealthy foods and do not manage stress tend to get these diseases.

Exercise is a great way to burn calories, decrease stress and add enjoyment to your life. When people are more physically fit and active they tend to be happier, healthier and their lives are more productive. In the same way that you can get a disease by poor lifestyle habits, you can turn your health around by adopting positive lifestyle habits such as learning a new sport like tennis or bicycling.

If you have not been in the habit of working out or playing rigorous sports activities, you may end up with sore, tired muscles. Hydrotherapy is a great way to get relief for those tired muscles and the most convenient way to get hydrotherapy is to invest in your own hot tub spa. A hot tub’s warm water and soothing jets open up the blood vessels and gently massage the aching muscles, helping to flush the lactic acid that has built up in the muscle during exercise.

Hydrotherapy from your own portable hot tub also helps to relax the melt your stress away. Soaking in a hot tub helps you get a better night’s sleep, too.

Some people find it challenging to create a new habit of being active because of an old injury. They don’t work out because they are in pain. Spending time in a hot tub is good for healing old sports injuries. When you work the affected joint while soaking in the warm water and while it is being gently massaged by the forced air from the jets, blood flow to the injured area increases and helps the body to heal itself.

So, this May choose your favorite form of exercise. Whether it’s a brisk walk in the park, swimming, biking, playing golf, or gardening, try to schedule this activity into your calendar so that you will have at least 30 minutes of rigorous exercise that gets your heart rate up at least five times per week. If you’ve got a hot tub in your own back yard, you can even do exercises under water, which will multiply their positive benefits for you.